- 7-14 days delivery
- 1 year free support
- 1 free domain
- 1 year free host
- 1 Website
- 1 GB Storage
- Free SSL Cert
- Technical Support
- 8gb RAM
- 200gb storage
- 4 vCores
- 32TB upload

We deliver solutions that empower businesses to thrive online. Our team is committed to providing you with exceptional services tailored to your specific requirements.
Our comprehensive range of services includes:
- Domain registration and management services
- Web application development
- Web hosting
- Compute instances; virtual dedicated servers (VDS) and virtual private servers (VPS)
- Cloud storage
- Database hosting
- Mail server

Chess Kenya
The sole authority responsible for advancing the growth and development of chess in Kenya
Check it out

Our Services

We give you an opportunity to make a great first impression and showcase your brand to prospective customers.
We build custom web application that is;
Beautiful, User-friendly, Reliable and Optimized for Search Engine
Get the service for as low as Ksh: 50,000

Our web hosting services are convenient, reliable and secure for all websites
Our servers support;
- C#
- F#
- VB.net
- Java
- Python
- Javascript
- Clojure
- Scalar
- Kotlin
- Groovy
Compute Instances

As your bussines grows, you may need to get isolated compute instances that gives you dedicated resources to manage your web workloads without being affected by other users
We offer powerful compute instances for Mission Critical Websites and Databases
Get the service for as low as Ksh: 1,800
+254 727 725 679 +254 724 698 462Email: [email protected]
Head office:Nairobi
PayBill: 4137853
Acc Number: Name of Service
Feel free to reach out to us
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